NAMIREMBE: The Archbishop of Church of Uganda, The Most Reverend Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu has called for unity of purpose among Christians to save the Church from secularism, materialism, consumerism, liberalism and individualism.

While meeting a delegation from Church Mission Society, CMS, (formerly Church Missionary Society) that paid him a courtesy visit in his office in Namirembe today, Archbishop Kaziimba expressed displeasure with the Church of England for deviating from preaching the true gospel and advocating for same sex marriages which is contrary to the scriptures.

“God is calling us to be united and take the gospel back to England because they seem to be deviating from the path which they taught us to take in 1877, the path of the scriptures. As Church of Uganda, we will identify and collaborate with brothers and sisters in the West who are still faithful to the Scriptures because they are there.” Archbishop Kaziimba said.

Archbishop Kaziimba’s comments came hours after Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury informed Primates about the forthcoming installation of The Very Reverend Dr. David Monteith, Dean of Leicester as Dean of Canterbury whom he (Archbishop Welby) said is in a same-sex civil partnership.

“It is important to let you know that Dean David is in a same-sex civil partnership, which has already been public knowledge for many years. The nomination has been made by the Crown Nominations Commission, in accordance with the Church of England’s selection processes and teachings. This has included the normal process for all clergy of checking that Dean David lives his life according to the teachings of the Church of England.” Archbishop Welby’s communique reads in part.

Archbishop Kaziimba commended the role of Church Mission Society in mission and evangelism in Church of Uganda and Africa at large.

“When Missionaries came to Uganda, they came for three things; Teaching, healing and preaching the gospel. They were able to build Mengo Senior School, Mengo Hospital and St Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe to achieve the above objectives respectively. These have greatly influenced the development of Uganda,” said Archbishop Kaziimba.

Rev Canon Dr. Moses Bushendich, the International Director of CMS-Africa said that they have been inspired by the work historically done by the pioneers of Christian mission over the years in Uganda and the extent to which the church has grown.

According to Canon Bushendich, the worldwide Network of Church Mission Society is in Uganda to discuss strategies for global Christian mission.

“We are here as CMS Network – worldwide, mainly leaders of the different continental Church Mission Societies to meet physically and discuss strategies for global Christian mission. We are continuing to discuss on the topic of Decolonizing Christian mission with an emphasis of indigenous mission while maintaining the global nature of the kingdom of God.” Canon Bushendich said.


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