Purpose of the policy

The aim of the policy is to preserve church land as heritage for the church of the province of Uganda while at the same time managing it in a way that glorifies God and demonstrates the reality and riches of God’s Kingdom within Christ-transformed communities.

Policy objectives
  • Land productivity and economically utilized contrary to mere holding of the land.
  • The church economically empowered to carry out its holistic mission.
  • Decision making and access to church land streamed hence enhancing peaceful utilization, equity and social justice.
  • Harmonized management of church land throughtout the province.
Policy considerations
  • The constitution of the republic of Uganda
  • The land ACT of 1998
  • The provincial constitution of 1972, amended in 1994
  • The provincial canons of the church of the province of Uganda
  • Terms of reference for directors of church commissioners holding company limited.


The company oversees the leasing of land and properties to tenants, manages rent collection, and negotiates contracts and agreements.

Church Commissioners Holding Company Limited is responsible for carrying out repairs and maintenance on all properties and ensuring that they are kept in good condition.

The company manages property-related finances, such as rent collection, property taxes, and budgeting.

Church Commissioners Holding Company Limited works with stakeholders and local communities to ensure that the land and properties are being managed in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. This may involve working with local authorities to promote conservation efforts, supporting community initiatives, and addressing any concerns or issues related to the use and management of the land.

The company handles these disputes by providing information on legal status of the land in question and represent Trustees where applicable  besides church lawyers.

Trustees mandates CCHCL to intervene and advise on land that is mismanaged,miused and under-utilized or not used at all.


The functions of church commissioners holding company limited related to land management are as follows:

  • Hold and manage all church land vested in or acquired by the registered Trustees of the province of church of Uganda on behalf of Trustees.
  • Arbitrate land disputes over church land before resorting to courts of law.
  • Advise on the inesment, financial ,commercial and economic use of church land to benefit christians.
  • Provide professional and business advice on land development proposals.
  • Initiate long term land development projects for the church.
  • Valued or cause to be valued all church land and developments in order to derive realistic premiums and rents for Dioceses.
  • Authenticate land documents with the approved common seals.
  • Acquire more land and propertie like housing units for the church.
  • Cause surveys, planning, mapping, drawing and valuation of church land and land investment.
  • Maintain information management system and data bank for church land.
  • Cause remittance of revenue to dioceses arising from revenue generated by company from shares.