Mission, Evangelism, and Pastors’ Welfare Top Bishop Kagodo’s Agenda

MUKONO: “Singa saabulirwa njiri, singa naff adda!” (If the gospel was not preached to me, I would have died long time ago). These were the words of Bishop Enos Kitto Kagodo as he narrated his ministry focus in his Charge shortly after his consecration and enthronement as the 5th Bishop of Mukono Diocese yesterday.

Such a self-description of how he is a living testimony of the work of mission and over 25 years of active Church ministry, could perhaps be the main reason why he chose to focus on mission and evangelism and perhaps, the welfare of the members of his former House, the House of Clergy.

In a Service attended by thousands of people from all walks of life at Bishop’s Secondary School in the precincts of St. Philip’s and Andrew’s Cathedral, Mukono, the then Bishop-Elect (by 8:45am), Kagodo together with Bishops, Clergy, lay readers and brass band formed the procession from Bishop Ssebaggalla Hall to the ceremonial grounds.

Shortly, the main Service began with the Archbishop of Church of Uganda, The Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu as the Main Celebrant assisted by the Acting Dean of the Province, Bishop Cranmer Mugisha of Muhabura Diocese and the Service leader, Bishop Henry Katumba Tamale of West Buganda Diocese.

After the opening prayers, epistle reading, the gospel, Nicene Creed, notices and introductions and beautifully composed hymns, it was time for the Sermon by the leader of Bishop-elect’s retreat, Bishop Patrick Wakula of Central Busoga Diocese.

In a twenty minutes sermon full of humor and thought-provoking messages, Bishop Wakula called upon Christians to give support to their new Bishop and asked them to desist from comparing him with his predecessor, noting that they are not identical twins and both have different strength and weaknesses.

After the Sermon, the legal part of the consecration began with the Provincial Secretary, Rev Canon William Ongeng calling upon the Diocesan Secretary of Mukono Diocese, Rev. Canon John Ssebudde to read the Minute of the Diocesan Nominations Committee which nominated two names to the House of Bishops for consideration of one to be the next Bishop.
The Provincial Secretary later read the Minute of the House of Bishops regarding the election of Rev. Canon Enos Kitto Kagodo as Bishop-elect.
At this point, the long-awaited hour had arrived: it was the time for Bishop Dan Zoreka of the Diocese of Kinkiizi and Bishop Prof. Alfred Olwa of the Diocese of Lango to present the Bishop-elect to the Archbishop for consecration and subsequently for enthronement as the 5th Bishop of Mukono Diocese.
This is the time when the Chancellors (Provincial and Diocesan), commonly referred to as “learned friends” invited the Bishop-elect and administered the Oath to pay Canonical obedience to the Archbishop in all things lawful and honest, declaration to be bound by the constitution and Canons of Church of Uganda and an undertaking to offer his resignation to the Archbishop if requested by two-thirds majority of the Diocesan Bishops.
It was now the time for the Faith and Order part of the consecration where the Archbishop, sitting in his Chair examined the Bishop-elect before inviting Bishops to lay their hands on him.
“Receive the Holy Spirit for the office and work of a Bishop in the Church of God, now committed unto you by the imposition of our hands in name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”
Archbishop Kaziimba said amidst ululations and a big shout of AMEN.
Archbishop Kaziimba then gave him the Bible and charged him to go and heed to reading, exhortation and doctrine and also gave him the Constitution and Provincial Canons for use as tools to provide the rules and regulations governing Church of Uganda.
The Archbishop then held his hand up and said, “I hereby declare that Enos Kitto Kagodo has been duly consecrated a Bishop.”
Bishop Kagodo was then invited to introduce his family before leaving to robe for the second time.
It’s now at this point that the Archbishop’s wife, Mama Margaret Kaziimba and Bishops’ wives gathered to pray for Mama Catherine Kagodo. Mama Margaret gave her an African Women Study Bible and charged her to always pray and read the Bible in her new calling.
Bishop Kagodo then returned in his full regalia amidst ululations from the congregants.
At this point, Bishop Ssebaggalla read his Act of Abdication and handed over the Pastoral Staff to the Archbishop who then after prayers handed it over to Bishop Kagodo before being enthroned to his Cathedra by the Archdeacons led by the Diocesan Secretary and later declaration of installation by the Archbishop.
It’s at this point that the newly consecrated and enthroned Bishop, Kitto Kagodo, read his Charge (manifesto – in a layman’s language).
He centered his Charge around mission and evangelism, pastors’ welfare, and protection of Church land.
“We are going to plan, re-strategize, budget for, and implement evangelistic conventions, faith empowerment conferences, Bible study fellowships, seminars, youths, and children’s conferences. The mission must be a budget item annually in every Church, Parish, and Archdeaconry of the Diocese.” Bishop Kagodo said.
He pledged to begin construction of a befitting magnificent Cathedral that depicts the glory of God and the Diocese, complete Pension House to enable the Diocese to improve the retirement benefits for Clergy and other ministers, and partner with the government and its agencies to develop the available idle Church land.
The President of the Republic of Uganda, Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who was represented by the Vice President, H.E Jessica Alupo donated a vehicle to support the Bishop in his ministry.
Rt Rev Enos Kitto Kagodo was born on 13th December 1968 in Mukono to the Late James Kibirige and Ruth Kibirige in Nangwa village, Namuyenje Parish, Nakisunga Subcounty in Mukono District and was born again on 14th October 1994.


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