The Church Commissioners was originally a department of the Church of Uganda established to act as custodians and advisers to the Registered Trustees of the Province of the Church of Uganda on matters related to Church Assets. However, during the Provincial Assembly of August 2004, the Trustees refocused the strategy of the business entities of the Church from being run as semi charitable/business entities to becoming fully fledged business entities that are managed on business principles to generate income. This led to the formation and registration of the Church Commissioners Holding Company Ltd, (CCHCL) in November 2005, as a company limited by guarantee, with shareholding held by 33 Diocesan Bishops of the Church of Uganda (COU) and one for the Church of the Province of Uganda.

Our Impact
Creating a community for impact
CCHCL currently oversees the operations of three major subsidiaries namely, Namirembe Guest House (NGH), Centenary Publishing House (CPH) and Uganda Bookshop (UBS). CCHCL is in charge of all rentable properties and other investment opportunities. It also has the mandate to initiate and manage specified rentable properties. The current main project is the Church House, located on Plot 34 Kampala Road (this is a 16-floor complex providing 8,861 square meters of rentable office space). It is worth noting that the Registered Trustees recently established a Land & Estates Board to manage the extensive Church land resource. CCHCL will liaise closely with this Board to be able to participate in the development of this rich resource for the benefit of the Church.